Monday, December 29, 2014

EHNA Blog policy

Eldorado Heights Neighborhood Association (EHNA) is bounded on the North by Montgomery Blvd, on the West by Juan Tabo Blvd, on the South by Comanche Rd, and on the East by Tramway Blvd, and is referred to as the Eldorado Heights area.  EHNA is recognized with the Office of Neighborhood Coordination in Albuquerque.  EHNA is also recognized as a Non-Profit organization with the US Post Office. 
By charter, EHNA does not participate in partisan causes, social issues or political campaigns.  EHNA does engage in specifically seeking services and improvements that sustain and advance our neighborhood.   In order to help achieve this, EHNA maintains this informational Blog site. 
EHNA Blog content is limited to neighborhood announcements, news and information of interest to our members.  The Blog will not post or advertise information for projects, groups or activities outside of our neighborhood.  Business advertisements will be limited to EHNA dues paying members located within EHNA boundaries

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

EHNA October meeting speaker

The EHNA October meeting will also feature a guest speaker from Southwest Airlines.  Mr. Jay Sinks will be discussing the sunset of the Wright Amendment and its impact upon service to citizens of Albuquerque

EHNA Newsletter October 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Garage Door Security video

The following are videos on how to break into a garage and how to deter thieves that may try it.  Watch both videos.

Breaking into a garage in 6 seconds

The 6 second break-in that you can prevent

Never thought about this.....but my garage doors will be "fixed" today????